Kara Britt 34th Lorne Cancer Conference 2022

Kara Britt

Dr Kara Britt is a Team Leader at Peter MacCallum Cancer Centre focused on breast cancer prevention. She studies the biology underlying breast cancer risk in an effort to develop preventative therapies. She has been funded by a National Breast Cancer Foundation Early Career Fellowship, an NHMRC New Investigator grant as well as NBCF Pilot and concept grants. Her PhD training was at Prince Henry’s Institute and Monash University studying the role of estrogen in the ovary under the mentorship of Jock Findlay and Evan Simpson. Following her PhD studies Kara changed fields to work on the role of estrogen in breast cancer and mammary stem cell regulation as a CJ Martin fellow with Matt Smalley and Allan Ashworth at the Institute of Cancer Research in London. She returned home to Australia to work with Gail Risbridger at Monash University, where she continued to work on the regulation of stem cells by reproductive events, and began working on breast stromal cells. Kara’s work now is predominantly focussed on trying to determine why parity (childbearing) can protect against breast cancer and why mammographic density increases breast cancer risk. She is using her expertise in biochemistry, immunology and mouse modelling to develop pre-clinical models with which to test new therapies.

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